Friday Fictioneers: Pretty Up

Friday Fictioneers * Rochelle Wisoff-Fields * Photo by Ted Strutz *

“Pretty Up” * 100 words * Angela Shaffer * 25 Mar 2016


Pretty Up

Imogene is known for dawdling. Most parts of the world would label her as “mentally deficient,” among other harsh titles. Not here, not down in the holler. We’ve a way of taking care of our own, especially when those outsiders come a calling. They like to think they’ve got us all figured out – like we’re simple – but they can’t kin the lengths we go to for loyalty. Imogene heard they were a coming for her, and she high tailed it into the woods. I reckon these flowers she planted was her way of prettying up this holler, a final farewell.


23 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Pretty Up

  1. Now that word holler has me in a pickle, is Imogene a fairy? a coal miners daughter ? Or just a lass. For me so many words in English are so challenging, what I see them as meaning often is not at all correct . Where you have used the word kin/ken I might have used kill !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the comment, Mike! Yes, Imogene is a coal miner’s daughter, more than likely, one affected by incest. A “holler” is dialect for “hollow” or small valley in the mountains. It should be “ken” as pointed out above, as in “reckon” or understand.


  2. Thank you, Suzanne! I let her seek sanctuary in the mountains because – you’re right, she belongs there – I couldn’t let “them” take her to a mental institution or prison or “structured living society.” The mountain-culture has a way of acceptance that conformity cannot smother; a type of determination for survival. Imogene could live thirty years in the woods on scarcity, but I don’t think she’d make it inside institution. She’d survive, but her spirit would be broken.

    Liked by 1 person

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